In the production of cosmetics, the presence of essences is precious and fundamental.
Essential oils are natural compounds of vegetable origin, in which there is an important concentration of the active ingredients of the plants from which they derive.
They are also known as “essences”, because they are natural compounds made up of mixtures of volatile substances , capable of giving products specific and different fragrances from each other.
It is good emphasize how much the essential oils (or essences), are important also (and above all) for the beneficial properties they have and which they make available to us.
Just think of the countless properties of lavander essential oil or rosemary essential oil, peppermint, tangerine or orange; each beneficial essence will enrich the cosmetics product making it unique in its kind.
Finally, for this reason it is very important to always read the label of the product you decide to buy, keeping in mind that every person is different and will need a product suitable for its needs.